I can't believe I got a picture of him smiling and somewhat sitting still!
What the heck is this sticker doing on me?!?
(Right before he tries to rip it off.)
Size: Owen is 28.5 inches long and weighs 25 pounds. We just got home from his 12 month appointment! He is 75th percentile for weight and 10th - 25th percentile for height. His height percentile has dropped a little bit, but it is to be expected given my and Jimmy's height. I knew he would start to even out eventually. He is wearing 12 month or 12-18 month clothes and size 4 diapers.
Special Trips/Visits: Owen went to the pool for the first time this past month! He was a little weary at first and clung to Jimmy the whole time, but he warmed up eventually and started to try and splash around. I think his favorite part was the snack and ice water he got when he got out of the pool, hah!
Break time snack, munchin' on some gold fish!
Firsts: Owen's vocabulary is growing and he is learning new words. He is starting to understand a lot of what we say, but can't say the words/phrases himself quite yet. He has also completely mastered the sippy cup. I have moved him from the ones where the flow is a lot (but sometimes leak) to the ones where you really have to suck, but they do not leak! He is still drinking water with his meals. I've tried juice, but he's not into it. I'm glad, water and milk are healthier anyway.
He has also moved from formula to whole milk. I transitioned him a little each day, mixing it with his formula and he never minded the milk at all (I'm not surprised, boy loves eating). So we are officially on all whole milk and no more formula! He is still drinking the whole milk out of bottles. I'll work on that transition after we get back from the beach.
Crossing legs like Mama.
Owen points at objects and tries to talk about them now. He was doing it in the doctor's office this afternoon and she was impressed and said that is more advanced. She was also impressed at how much he was talking and babbling. Of course, I'm used to hearing him talking all the time. :) My grandpa used to call me Judi Jabber when I was little because I talked so much, I guess Owen is taking after me in that aspect so far!
My puppy dog!
Dislikes: He has gotten to the point where he does not like when you tell him no or move him away from something he wants to do. He will start crying, but I just tell him "You are just fine." and walk away. He stops crying in less than a minute. :)
We are headed to Myrtle Beach this weekend with my family for vacation! I'm SO excited! Jimmy and I haven't been on vacation in over two years (besides our short trip to California in March). It will be our first vacation as a family of three! I'm so excited to show Owen the beach for the first time! I'm also so excited to spend some time with my family, it's going to be so much fun!!! I'll be sure to do a post about our vacation when we return. :)