Just a swinging!
Size: He still has some thunder thighs! I secretly love it, especially since I was just like him as a baby! I broke out all his 18 month clothes and he has started to wear some of those outfits. He is still in size 4 diapers.
Special Trips/Visits: This month has been a little more quiet since B2 is coming and I'm getting too big to get out and do too much. We've spent the weekends getting things ready for the new baby or running some errands. We try to get him out of the house each day... even if it's just a walk in the evening. On the weekends we try and take him somewhere special he likes to go.
Crawling through a tunnel at the park.
More park time - different park.
Firsts: Owen is walking!!! He took his first steps a couple weeks ago! Since he took those first steps he has been OFF! I knew he would do this, as soon as he figured it out, he is walking all over the place and everywhere. He is pretty good at falling and not getting hurt... yet.
He is also continuing to grow his vocabulary. Each week he learns new words. The other day Jimmy was filling up his camelbak (yes, I got him his own, kid sized!) with water and he pointed to the fridge and very clearly said "Water! Water!" I love seeing his mind expand and learn new things. It's amazing to me how much they take in and learn... little sponges!
He has started to tell me when he is ready for his naps. He will say "Night Night" and go to the stairs when he wants to go down for a nap. Or, I will ask him if he is ready for Night Night and he will go to the steps. I love that he actually wants to go to his crib and rest or nap. We let him crawl up the stairs on his own and he likes to stop on the way and yell "BABABABABA!" from the railing!
We tried coloring and he loves it!
Working on those fine motor skills!
He has learned how to pucker and give kisses now.
Although his kiss face looks more like a fish face!
Owen has made a couple friends in the neighborhood. We have been meeting up with his friend Cole for play dates. Cole has a really cool motorized train in his basement that Owen LOVES! Cole is only 10 months, but they really love playing together. I can tell that their personalities mesh well. They hand each other toys and take turns pushing their push toys. It's adorable!
Choo Choo!!!
He still loves reading. He will sit in the corner and look through his books by himself for a good 20 minutes!
Reading and wearing my new hat!
Playing with Grant at his first birthday party!
Sticking out my tongue!
Dislikes: Owen has figured out how to throw a temper tantrum. I know that I have been very lucky in that he has not figured this out until he is 14 months old. (Some kids do this pretty early on...). He will do it when you take sometime away from him that he wants to play with. So far, this is the only reason he throws fits. In the past, giving him a new toy in exchange for what you want has always worked as a distraction, but he has figured me out! He will throw himself on the floor and kick and scream. I can't help but laugh... which probably isn't the best response! After I giggle, I ignore him... right now I'm trying the 'bad behavior gets no attention' strategy. It is working so far... his tantrums only last a few minutes.
I tried a sensory activity with him, let him play with pudding (like an edible finger paint) and he was not into it! I even picked his favorite flavor - banana. He's just not into pudding... or playing with it!