

Sunday, January 29, 2012

18 Weeks

Along:  18 Weeks.  Bump is growing!

Size of Baby:  Baby B is 5.5 inches long and about 5 ounces, about the size of a chicken breast.  Baby B can now hiccup and yawn (how cute!).  He/she also now has fingerprints on fingertips and toes.   

Wight Gain/Loss:  Still about 3 pounds.  I don't weigh myself until I go to my appointments.  It's just not worth stressing about.  I exercise regularly and eat well, that's what's important.  I fit into all of my regular clothes except right where the pants button, so I know any weight I've gained has gone right where it should!

Gender:  Our gut feeling is still that it is a girl.  Everyone seems to have the same feeling.  Not one person we know has said they think it's a boy!  Two more weeks until we find out!

Sleep:  Sleep has still been great!  I'm starting to notice the tummy buldge more when I'm sleeping now and have to change positions to be more comfortable.  I'm still sleeping straight through the night!

What I Miss:  Nothing!  Okay, honestly, I miss the occasional glass of wine.  Jimmy and I go to wineries at least once a month... obviously we haven't been in several months now. 

Cravings:  Still craving sweets.  Pop Tarts especially... oh my goodness, they are delicious!  As soon as my students go to P.E./Music in the mornings those Pop Tarts come out!    

Symptoms:  The past two weeks have been pretty good.  As my stomach is growing my ligaments are stretching, so I'm feeling more and more ligament pain in my lower abdomen.  Sometimes it's a sharp pain when I sneeze/cough, sometimes its a dull pain that lasts for hours.  Other than that, I really can't complain.  I feel so lucky that I've had such an easy pregnancy so far.  

Best Moment this Week:    Getting the nursery ready!  My awesome Dad and amazing husband put the chair rail up in the nursery this weekend.  It looks SO good!!!  I'm so excited to paint the bottom half pink/blue.  Here are some pictures of what it looks like right now...  More pictures to come when it's finished and the furniture is all positioned.

Another cute moment... we got our first article of baby clothing!  My best friend sent us a little onsie.  Isn't it adorable?!  Thanks so much Aunt Molly and Uncle Revel!!!

The BIC stands for Barrier Island Center.  Molly and Revel live on the Eastern Shore of Virginia.

Love to all!

Judi and Jimmy


  1. Hi! The chair rail looks fantastic! Great job! If the color ends up being pink...;) I found something at Sherwin Williams you might like!
