We had another ultrasound yesterday and everything looks great! Baby B is on track with all his measurements to arrive on July 1st, so he might be a little earlier than July 4th. The ultrasound was not as clear as it was at 20 weeks. There was more shadowing this time because the bones are harder and there is less space for him to move around in, so he was all twisted/bundled up most of the time. However, we did get a couple really cool pictures! Check them out...
Here is a side profile picture.
This has to be one of the coolest ultrasound pictures I have seen. This is his face looking straight at you! You can see his eyes, nose, lips, and the outline of his head. His arm is curled underneath his head, like he is resting on it.
Just wanted to post these new pictures in a quick update!
Judi and Jimmy