

Monday, March 26, 2012

26 Week Ultrasound

We had another ultrasound yesterday and everything looks great!  Baby B is on track with all his measurements to arrive on July 1st, so he might be a little earlier than July 4th.  The ultrasound was not as clear as it was at 20 weeks.  There was more shadowing this time because the bones are harder and there is less space for him to move around in, so he was all twisted/bundled up most of the time.  However, we did get a couple really cool pictures!  Check them out...

Here is a side profile picture.

This has to be one of the coolest ultrasound pictures I have seen.  This is his face looking straight at you!  You can see his eyes, nose, lips, and the outline of his head.  His arm is curled underneath his head, like he is resting on it.

Just wanted to post these new pictures in a quick update!


Judi and Jimmy

Sunday, March 25, 2012

26 Weeks

I think it's pretty obvious I'm pregnant now!  Hah!

Along: 26 weeks!  One more week left of the second trimester.  :)

Size of Baby:  Baby B now weighs 2 pounds!!!  This week Baby B's eyes are now opening and closing, he is now able to see!  If a loud vibrating noise is brought close to my belly Baby B will react with blinking and startling.  We went to see The Hunger Games yesterday and Baby B was moving around like crazy!  I could see my stomach moving with his kicks and punches.  I guess he liked the loud noise and vibrations.  :)

Gender:  It's a boy!!!

Sleep:  Sleep has been alright lately... I've started to get more and more uncomfortable and have started using a pillow to position myself, which has helped a lot.  I've been very congested and sick this past week, which has made sleep more difficult.  It's hard to sleep when you can't breath!

What I Miss:  With being sick this past week, I miss being able to take whatever medicine I want. 

Cravings:  No new or unusual cravings.  I can't say that I've had many cravings so far that are too weird.  I have had more food aversions than I have had cravings with this pregnancy.  I used to LOVE Mexican food, now I can't even stand the smell of it, and don't even ask me to go to Chipotle!

Symptoms:  I'm starting to feel a lot of lower back pain.  If I'm cleaning the house (which I did yesterday!), I have to take several breaks because my back is hurting so much.  I've also had some pain in my ribs from them stretching.  Sleeping with the pillow positioned just so has helped a little with the back pain... just don't ask me to mop the house, it will take me forever!

Best Moment this Week:  There were a couple cool moments the past two weeks... The first sweet moment was receiving a package from my brother and sister-in-law in Texas!  They sent Baby B a couple baseball onesies, so adorable!  I was really touched by their thoughtfulness!  I can't wait to have the little guy wear them.  

Aren't they cute?!?

Another sweet moment was receiving a package from my Mom!  She sent 7 or 8 absolutely adorable outfits!  One had a shark, another whales, which I love because they match the nursery theme!  Some were larger for when he is about 6 months and were winter clothes, and some were newborn onesies with the cutest little sayings on them!  We haven't bought any clothes yet, so it's so fun to get stuff like this!  Check out some of the pictures below...

That's right!  Haha!  I loved this one!

Jimmy liked the 'Daddy's Rock Star' one!

I have one more week of work until Spring Break, I'm so ready!  I hope everyone is having a good spring so far and enjoying the beautiful weather!


Judi and Jimmy

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Another Home Away from Home

Jim and Cindy have been busy in Virginia Beach making a home away from home for Baby B!  They bought a new crib and set up Jimmy's childhood room as a guest room/nursery for us when we come visit!  They are doing an alphabet theme.  :)  Here are some pictures...

Cindy use this ABC blanket in Jimmy's nursery when he was a baby!

Changing area.

The alphabet quilt was made by one of Cindy's best friends for Jimmy when he was born.

Cindy found these cute alphabet wall appliques to match the theme!

We are so lucky to have family that are SO excited for this little guy's arrival!  It is very touching to see all the work they put into this room.  We are excited to make some visits down to the beach so our little guy can get some use out of this sweet room, and of course to visit his grandparents!


Judi and Jimmy

Sunday, March 11, 2012

24 Weeks

Along: 24 weeks.  I've hit the 6 month mark!

Size of Baby:  Baby B now weighs 1.5 pounds.  He is about the size of a standard letter.  He is gaining about 6 ounces per week now, really packing it on!  He now has a complete set of eyelashes and eyebrows, and even a good sprinkling of hair on his head!

Gender:  It's a boy!!!

Sleep:  Sleep is still wonderful.  I sleep well almost every night and often don't even wake up once!  I feel very lucky!

What I Miss:  Other than wine and margaritas, nothing!  I don't like sushi, never cared much for lunch meats, so it's all pretty good so far.  I don't feel like I'm missing much.

Cravings:  Yesterday I was craving egg salad something fierce!  Luckily I had a ton of eggs in the fridge and whipped some up.  :)  And no, I didn't even put it on some bread, just ate it right out of the bowl!

Symptoms:  I'm feeling Baby B move around so much.  I'm now starting to distinguish between a kick, punch, and full on summer salt!  It's the sweetest thing!  My hands and feet are starting to swell a lot now.  Besides my wedding rings, I can't wear most of my other rings, or it will depend on the day whether the ring fits or not.  I'm looking forward to wearing flip flops so I don't have to squeeze my chubster feet into closed shoes anymore!

Best Moment this Week:  The best moment this week has to be when one of my students brought me a little gift.  She comes in first thing in the morning and places this gift bag on my desk.  I'm intrigued, "What is this?  Is this for me?!?"  She says, "Yes, open it!"  I open it and find two adorably cute baby boy outfits!  One had puppies on it (my students know I have two dogs and love dogs) and the other had cars and trucks on it.  I was SO touched.  It was the sweetest and most thoughtful thing.  She told me she went with her mom and she got to pick out the outfits.  Besides Molly, she's only the second person to buy an outfit for Baby B!

Another sweet moment... Jimmy finally felt the baby move for the first time!  He thinks it is the coolest thing.  I'm excited he can finally share those moments with me.  :)

Well, spring has definitely spring here in Virginia!  I know I'm really looking forward to the nice weather and wearing flip flops and dresses again!  

Enjoy the beautiful spring weather everyone!


Judi and Jimmy