

Sunday, March 25, 2012

26 Weeks

I think it's pretty obvious I'm pregnant now!  Hah!

Along: 26 weeks!  One more week left of the second trimester.  :)

Size of Baby:  Baby B now weighs 2 pounds!!!  This week Baby B's eyes are now opening and closing, he is now able to see!  If a loud vibrating noise is brought close to my belly Baby B will react with blinking and startling.  We went to see The Hunger Games yesterday and Baby B was moving around like crazy!  I could see my stomach moving with his kicks and punches.  I guess he liked the loud noise and vibrations.  :)

Gender:  It's a boy!!!

Sleep:  Sleep has been alright lately... I've started to get more and more uncomfortable and have started using a pillow to position myself, which has helped a lot.  I've been very congested and sick this past week, which has made sleep more difficult.  It's hard to sleep when you can't breath!

What I Miss:  With being sick this past week, I miss being able to take whatever medicine I want. 

Cravings:  No new or unusual cravings.  I can't say that I've had many cravings so far that are too weird.  I have had more food aversions than I have had cravings with this pregnancy.  I used to LOVE Mexican food, now I can't even stand the smell of it, and don't even ask me to go to Chipotle!

Symptoms:  I'm starting to feel a lot of lower back pain.  If I'm cleaning the house (which I did yesterday!), I have to take several breaks because my back is hurting so much.  I've also had some pain in my ribs from them stretching.  Sleeping with the pillow positioned just so has helped a little with the back pain... just don't ask me to mop the house, it will take me forever!

Best Moment this Week:  There were a couple cool moments the past two weeks... The first sweet moment was receiving a package from my brother and sister-in-law in Texas!  They sent Baby B a couple baseball onesies, so adorable!  I was really touched by their thoughtfulness!  I can't wait to have the little guy wear them.  

Aren't they cute?!?

Another sweet moment was receiving a package from my Mom!  She sent 7 or 8 absolutely adorable outfits!  One had a shark, another whales, which I love because they match the nursery theme!  Some were larger for when he is about 6 months and were winter clothes, and some were newborn onesies with the cutest little sayings on them!  We haven't bought any clothes yet, so it's so fun to get stuff like this!  Check out some of the pictures below...

That's right!  Haha!  I loved this one!

Jimmy liked the 'Daddy's Rock Star' one!

I have one more week of work until Spring Break, I'm so ready!  I hope everyone is having a good spring so far and enjoying the beautiful weather!


Judi and Jimmy

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