Sleep: Owen is still sleeping 10-11 hours a night. He goes to bed at about 8:15 and usually sleeps until 7:00. This morning he slept until 7:30! I love that he gets more sleep, but I leave for work at 7:00, so I miss getting a little hug in before I leave. BTW: This is one more awesome thing about Katie, I can leave him in his crib and don't have to wake him up and take him to daycare!
Owen will take about three naps a day for anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour and a half. We don't have scheduled nap times. I let him fall asleep when he gets tired. I'll schedule them when he gets older, but for now, I'm sticking with what works best for him!
Size: Owen is at least 18 pounds now. Infants gain anywhere from 1 to 1.25 pounds a month, and since he is on the bigger side, I'm sure he gained 1.25, or more, this past month.
He is now in the size 3 diapers. They fit him perfectly. We still prefer Huggies.
He is still wearing 6 month clothes, but some are snug on him. I'm just now starting to pull out the things that are too snug and put them in his closet to be packed away. I just bought him Christmas outfits and bought them all in 9 month.
Special Trips/Visits: My best friend growing up came to visit us over Thanksgiving weekend. She now lives on the eastern shore with her husband, which is about a 5 hour drive from here, but her parents live in Fredericksburg, which is only about 45 minutes away. While she was up visiting her parents for Thanksgiving, she stopped by. It was so awesome to see her!!! I LOVE when I get to spend time with her! It was her first time seeing Owen, so of course, I had to get some pictures!
Owen the stud with Aunt Molly!
Firsts: The most exciting first for Owen this month was trying solids! Our doctor told us to wait until he was 5 months, so on November 25th we broke out the cereal and mixed it up! Owen absolutely LOVED his cereal!!! It took him a couple bites to get used to it, but after the third bite, he knew what to do! He squealed and made "mmmmm" noises while he ate. It was precious!!!
Gimmy that cereal!!!
We started with organic oat cereal. Our doctor told us to skip the rice cereal since arsenic has been found in it recently. I'm choosing to go the organic route with Owen's food for the first year or so. I feel better about it, and it's not that much more expensive.
So far Owen hasn't shown any signs of being allergic, nor have the solids interrupted his sleeping pattern.
Owen also met the horses at my parents house for the first time this month! I'm sure he's seen them before, but this time he was actually interested in them, and I remembered to bring my camera. :)
What is that?!?!
Cutie boy.
Owen has also learned how to 'spit' this month. I know it sounds gross, but it's actually kind of cute. He discovered it all on his own, and now he does it whenever he's feeling spunky!
While I'm taking his 5 month photo...
Developmental Milestones: Owen is on target with all his developmental milestones so far. He rolls over to his tummy, holds his head at a 90 degree while on his tummy, and has started to sit up on his own. He can sit up on his own with a tiny bit of support. He likes to hold onto your finger to support himself. I think he'll be sitting on his own with no support by 6 months. He loves playing in his excersauser. He pushes with his legs and plays with the toys. Another cute/cool thing he can do now is put his passy back in on his own!
Family Update: The most exciting thing that has happened this month is moving into our new house! It was a big hassle and closing on both houses ended up being a mess, but it's ALL over now!!! We are almost all the way unpacked and are now just trying to relax a little bit before the Holidays make us crazy busy again.
Home sweet home. <3
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
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