

Sunday, February 24, 2013

One more on the way...

Well, it's time to make the announcement...

Owen will be a big brother!!!

Yes, another little Blankenship bun is in the oven!  Baby 2 is due August 24th, 2013.

Jimmy and I are thrilled that God has blessed us with another child! It looks like they will only be about 14 months apart.  
We wanted them close together!

I'm currently 14 weeks pregnant and feeling great!

It's true, you definitely pop out sooner with #2.  I've already started wearing some of my maternity clothes... mostly just the pants.  I do plan to post pregnancy blog updates throughout this pregnancy, but will probably only post them once a month.  I enjoy blogging, but I'd much rather spend my time soaking up my little man's smiles!

So here it goes...

Along:  14 weeks!

Size of Baby:  Baby 2 is the size of a naval orange (about 4.5 inches and weighs only 3 ounces).  Baby 2 is practicing breathing in the womb this week.  He/she is also moving around like crazy, but I can't feel the movements yet.

Gender:  Do not know yet!  We find out in about 6 weeks.  We are actually considering being surprised .. so I'm not sure if we will actually find out the gender or not yet... 

Sleep:  I'm sleeping wonderfully!

What I Miss:   Nothing right now... maybe an alcoholic beverage now and then.

Cravings:  I have been craving some juicy fatty hamburgers.  5 Guys is the best.  I have also been craving Mexican... which is interesting, because with Owen, I could not stomach Mexican the entire pregnancy.

Symptoms:  I was pretty nauseous weeks 5-8, but never actually got sick.  I switched to a natural vitamin and it has made wonders.  I was also a little tired the first trimester, but not nearly like I was with Owen.  I just had to go to bed an hour earlier.  I have had a few food aversions... specifically yogurt.  I cannot even stomach the smell of yogurt.  Jimmy has to eat it in the other room.  I was the same way with Owen.

Best Moment this Month:  The best moment had to be hearing the heartbeat for the first time and seeing little baby 2 moving around on the ultrasounds screen.  He/she was sucking its thumb and had hiccups during the ultrasound, just precious!

Jimmy and I are very excited and we think Owen will make such a wonderful big brother! 

Love to all,

Judi and Jimmy


  1. Congrats Judi and Jimmy! So exciting! :) we will be praying for y'all!

  2. Yippee! Yippee! Yippee!

    Bring 'em on! :)
