One month old!
Aren't these stickers adorable?!?
Sleep: Dylan is sleeping very soundly at night. He has grasped the whole night and day concept and when he wakes up for feedings in the middle of the night he will go right back to sleep afterwards. He eats his last night time meal between 9 and 10, then wakes around 2 for a feeding, and then again around 5 or 6. He definitely has longer stretches of sleep at night than during the day.
Size: At his two week check up he weighed 8 pounds 6 ounces. He gained his birth weight back, and then some! He is wearing size 1 diapers and they fit him well right now. He has already outgrown some of his newborn clothes, but some of his 3 month clothes are still too big. So, we are right in the middle of sizes!
It is so interesting to look back at Owen's first month blog and read what I wrote about him at that time. I copied and pasted the layout so that I would remember to write about the same things... so as I'm writing Dylan's, I'm reading Owen's from when he was one month old! Dylan is definitely bigger than Owen was at that age.
Special Visits: We have had a lot of visitors stopping by the first two weeks or so. I'm most touched by my close friends who have taken the time to stop by and make us delicious dinners! Thank you SO much Sarah and Laura! Their thoughtfulness has been so touching!
My grandma also stopped by nad brought us some delicious bread and presents for the boys!
Special Trips: We had two special trips this month. We took the boys to Cox Farm last weekend. Owen loved it and was all over the place! I kept Dylan in the stroller the whole time except for when he needed to be fed and changed. He did fabulous!
We also went apple picking yesterday! It was SO much fun. Owen of course, was all over the place again. I put Dylan in the sling and carried him around that way. He snuggled up against me the whole time and again, was fabulous!
Snuggin' on Mama!
Firsts: Dylan had his first real bath a week or so ago (his cord finally fell off). The first time he cried the whole time. But, the second time he liked it much better. He didn't cry at all. I think he like the warm water washing over him.
Here are some cute pictures!
Hey ladies!
The boys in their 'big brother' and 'little brother' t-shirts!
Side profile.
How you doin'?
The classic wrinkled forehead. He does this all the time!
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