

Monday, October 28, 2013

Dylan is Two Months Old!

Happy Two Month Birthday Dylan!

 Baby D is two months old!

Just for fun, here is Owen at two months old wearing the same shirt! 
(Yes, I did that on purpose.)

As you can see, he is really starting to come into his own and develop his own look.  He is looking more and more like Dylan and less like Owen did at his age, but they definitely still look like brothers!  Dylan has been super smiley the last few days and it has been SO much fun to interact with him.  He coo's and ooo's a lot now!

Sleep:  Dylan is sleeping pretty well at night.  He still has fussy times here and there, but for the most part he sleeps well.  He has his last feeding between 9 and 10 and sleeps until about 2 or 3, then wakes for a feeding.  He goes back down and sleeps until 6 or 7 and wakes up for the day then.  He is still taking lots of naps during the day as well.  We took his bassinet out of the pack and play because he outgrew it, so now he is transitioning to sleeping in his crib.  I have been putting him in his crib for all of his naps, and then at night as well.  Of course, he cried every time I put him in there the first day, but the first night he slept great!  Each day he is crying less and less in his crib.  He is doing SO much better with this transition than Owen did.  In a few days he will love to sleep in his crib.

Size:  He has officially outgrown all his newborn clothes and moved on to the 3 month clothes.  I packed away all his newborn clothes for the future... His 3 month clothes fit him perfectly right now!  He is still wearing size 1 diapers.  His two month appointment is on November 5th, so I will find out how much he weighs and how long he is at that time.  He will get some shots at that appointment too, poor guy!

Special Visits:  My brother, Miles, stopped by to see Dylan for the first time.  Lauren and Cody also came over the same day.  Owen loved seeing them and now says their names!  He calls them Uncle Coco and Aunt Lulu!

Special Trips:  We took the boys to the pumpkin patch!  Dylan just chilled in his carrier while Owen ran around like a crazy man.

Firsts:  Dylan rolled over for the first time!  He can roll from tummy to back while he is doing tummy time.  He has done it several times now.  He is holding his head up so strong now.  He likes tummy time a lot more than Owen did.  I try to have him do it several times a day for 10-20 minutes each time.

He has found his hands and sucks on them sometimes, but hasn't sucked his thumb yet... not sure he will, some babies don't.

He lost all the hair on the top of his head last month and new hair is coming in.  As it grows in it is growing straight up!  When he was born it stood straight up too.  It looks like he is going to have the same color hair as Owen.

His eyes are getting lighter, but will stay blue since both Jimmy and I have blue eyes.  It looks like his eye color will be very similar to Owen's.  Owen has a dark blue ring around the outside, then bright blue then a tad of green in the very middle when his pupils are small.  I can already see the dark blue outline in Dylan's eyes.  My eyes are exactly the same, so it's special to look into Owen's eyes and see a little piece of me.  :)

Cute overload...

 Lounging in my vibrating chair.

BIG smile!

I hope everyone has a fun Halloween!



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