

Monday, December 30, 2013

Repeat the sounding JOY

Owen kept pointing to this ornament and saying "baby."  This is a picture of him from last Christmas!
My, how you have grown my sweet baby boy!

Repeat the sounding joy... this line and song comes to mind when I think of this past Christmas.  To see the joy and wonder in my children's eyes on Christmas morning was the most magical thing.  I absolutely loved making Christmas so sweet and special for them.  I'm overwhelmed with joy when I think of all the blessings our Lord has bestowed upon us this year.  Not only our personal gifts, but the blessing of the birth of his son.

On Christmas Eve the boys get to open one present.  (This is a tradition my family had that I wanted to continue.)  Each year they get special Christmas pajamas that they wear to bed that night.

Owen and Dylan opening their pajamas on Christmas Eve.

Look at your new PJs D!

Then, after the boys went to bed, we set up all their Santa gifts.  Jimmy put everything together while we watched The Sound of Music (another family tradition).  

Here are a few pictures of what it looked like the night before.

The next morning Owen came downstairs and we told him Santa had some.  He kept saying "Ho! Ho! Ho!" the whole morning.  I think he understood Santa a little more than we had expected!

 Reading Where The Wild Things Are from Mama and Dada.
(One of my favorite books ever.)

Dylan is reading a book about animals that Mama and Dada gave him.

 Playing with his par 3 mini golf set that Santa brought him!

 Riding his John Deer tractor from the Dykes family!

Each time he opened a present he would hand the piece of paper to one of us to throw away.
After we were finished opening gifts and there was still some wrapping paper on the ground he went around picking it all up and putting it in the trash.  He likes things to be neat!  Hmm, wonder where he gets that from?!?

Dylan is just chillin in Dad's lap on Christmas morning.

He is all dressed up and ready to go, just waiting on us!

Hanging out on Mimi's lap Christmas day!

I hope everyone's Christmas was as magical as ours was!

Happy New Year!



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