

Friday, January 17, 2014

Making Baby Food

So, lately Jimmy and I have really been trying to eat healthier and more natural.  We both feel like there is a reason there is so much cancer and disease in the world now, and one cause for this is the way people eat nowadays.  So many of these illnesses did not exist 100-200 years ago...

Side Note - Did you know that there is a lawsuit against Naked drinks for claiming their drinks are 'All Natural' when they have actually been putting formaldehyde in them?  Read about it here:

We have been buying more fruits and vegetables, eating more protein and eating a lot less processed foods.  Don't even get me started on soda!  Jimmy has officially kicked this habit!  Luckily, I was never a soda freak.  I finally got him to drink more water, and he says he can totally feel the difference in his health and body.

Anyway, in an effort to eat more natural, we decided we wanted to attempt to make Dylan's baby food.  I found this amazing baby food maker that steams, blends, and even defrosts and reheats baby food.  Today I tried it out for the first time, and I LOVE IT!

I tried something simple first, plain apples.  I peeled them and cut them up into 1/2 inch pieces.

Then I placed them in the basket of the machine and turned on the steam setting.

Fifteen later minutes I had soft mushy apples!

Next, I took the apples out of the steam basket and poured them in the pitcher with the same water that was used to steam them.  Turned on the blender and presto! Homemade apple sauce!

You can blend as little or as much as you'd like to get the consistency you want.  You can also add less water to the machine to get a different consistency.  Since Dylan has just started solids he needs it to be as smooth as possible.

I have one container that holds several 4 ounce servings.  You just place this container in the freezer and pop one serving out as you need them (like an ice cube tray).

One apple made four servings.

I also have small cups with lids that I plan on using when I make more.  The cups I have are BPA free and are made by Avent.  They are actually made to store breast milk, and I used them for that when I was pumping.  I really like them because they have ounce measurements on the side.

I did one more apple and had a little left over after I filled this container, so I gave it to Owen.  He LOVED it and kept asking for more!  I tasted it myself as well and it was delicious.  I'm even thinking of making Owen's apple sauce using this method!  He seemed to like this apple sauce way better than the store bought kind!

Once I was done, I threw the top on this container, labeled it with the date and type of food and tossed it in the freezer until Dylan is ready for it!

The economical benefit is amazing too.  I made 32 ounces of apple sauce using two apples.  Buying 32 ounces of baby food would cost me about $8.  Buying two apples costed me about fifty cents!

Overall, I absolutely loved making this for him.  It was so simple with this machine.  It only has 4 parts that need to be washed afterwards as well.  Super easy clean up.  I love that I know exactly what is going into his body.  I can't wait to try some more foods using the Beaba Babycook!

Happy Friday!



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