My first shiner. ;)
Sleep: Dylan is still sleeping 11-12 hours a night. He has been sick (croup) for a few days, which is making him wake up in the middle of the night coughing. So we have been up in the middle of the night the past week or so. We usually rock him back to sleep, which can take anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour... Sometimes he is WIDE awake!
He is taking two naps a day, a morning nap from about 9-11 and an afternoon nap from about 3-5. Sometimes one is longer, sometimes one is shorter.
Size: I'm really not sure of his actual size right now, we haven't been to the doctor for an official weight/length check since his 6 month check up. I'm assuming he is about 20 pounds and 26-27 inches. He is wearing all 9 month clothes and size 3 diapers. We did have to switch his small carrier car seat with the big one. It just became way too heavy for me to carry. He is still facing backwards though!
Special Visits: We hosted Easter dinner this year! It was fun, but a lot of work, especially with two little babies crawling/running around. We had about 15 people over. I cooked the ham, deviled eggs, and appetizers. Everyone else brought the sides and desserts. Everything was delicious!
My first Easter!
Watching big bro hunt for eggs.
He is now eating three meals a day and then has three bottles a day. The bottles are all right before a nap or bed time. His three meals are breakfast, lunch, and dinner. This kid POUNDS the food! He will eat 6 or more ounces of baby food plus two to three tablespoons of cereal at each meal. I'm making baby food ALL the time just to keep up with him!
As I mentioned earlier, he has croup right now... so this is the first time he has been sick! Poor guy was having such a hard time sleeping... We brought the swing back out so that he could take his naps sitting at an angle. We put the wedge under his mattress, but it just wasn't elevating him enough during the day and he was not napping at all. When they are sick, they need their rest to recuperate, so we caved and let him nap in the swing for now. He is getting much better and the antibiotics seems to be doing really well. He is upstairs napping right now and has been asleep for an hour and a half.
Likes: I know I wrote this last time, but Dylan is still such a mover. He is crawling everywhere and getting into everything. He is obsessed with cords. If he sees a cord he books it and pops that thing in his mouth. Kind of scares me. Luckily we have our house baby proofed, there isn't much I have to worry about... but other people's houses is a different story.
He likes to hang outside while with us.
I hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather!
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