

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Owen is 20 Months Old!

Lately he has been obsessed with his cowboy boots and his red winter hat.  
He wears them all over the place and won't leave the house without them!

Owen is 20 months... really?  How can it be that there are only four short months until this little man of mine is two.  Slow. Down. Time...

We had a nice February.  Its been super cold here and we've gotten a lot of snow, so we've been cooped up in the house a lot.  I've been making toys that Owen can learn from, doing arts and rafts, and different activities with him inside.

 Finger painting!

 Decorating cookies for the Super Bowl.

 Owen and Dylan's cookies.

 Decorating cookies for Valentine's Day.

 We made a special one for Daddy.

Sorting pom poms based on color.  Then dumping the tray of pom poms on our heads (Owen's idea).

We've had a lot of snow this year... The most snow we've had since we got two blizzards in one winter about 4 years ago.  Owen loves to go out and play in the snow, but he doesn't last long.  It takes just as much time to get him ready to go outside as the amount of time he plays in it!  It's fun, but a lot of work.

Checking out the snow from inside the house.

 On top of the mound of snow in our front yard.

Taking a ride through the neighborhood.  The sidewalks weren't clear yet, so we took a stroll on the street.  It was pretty!

Owen is talking a TON.  Each day he is learning new words and putting together new phrases.  I can't believe how much he learns each day!

He has started watching a few television shows here and there.  His favorite are Peppa Pig and Little Bear.  He loves to sit in his chair and watch an episode on the iPad.  This is my go-to when I'm trying to cook dinner.  He seems to always be right under me and fussy during this time (seriously, he literally pushes me sometimes!).  It's the only thing I have figured out that will keep him quiet, occupied, and happy during this time.  

Owen loves being in the kitchen with me cooking and/or baking.  I pull up a chair for him to stand on and watch me.  He really wants to help, so I try to find little things he can do to help.  He also loves to sit on the counter and pull the spice jars off the rack and 'season' the food.  Of course, they aren't open, just pretending.  I didn't even know he knew what the spices were for!

 Making cookies!

Making pancakes one morning.  He wants to flip them, but we settle for him scooping them from the pan to the plate.

Owen got his first hair cut!  The back was beginning to look a little ragged and way too long.  I tried cutting it myself a few times, just to trim around the ears, but that just wasn't cutting it anymore.  So we took him to the American Barber, which is pretty close to our house.  The whole shop is decorated in 50's decor.  It's pretty cute!

Dapper dude!

I am going to start potty training him here soon.  At my friends house a couple weeks ago he pulled the training potty out of their bathroom, showed it to me, sat on it for a few minutes, then stood up and said "Bye bye pee pee, bye bye poo poo" and put the lid back down!  This was completely on his own, no initiation whatsoever from me.  So, I think he is ready!

Here are some other cute moments from this month...

 He wanted to wear a towel around his waist like Daddy does after the shower.

 Brothers playing.

 Trying to be IN the pictures more.


He put his pants on his head and was running around the house, yes, all on his own!

I hope everyone is staying warm and looking forward to spring!  I know I am!




  1. The one of Owen in the wagon looks SO much like you, Judi, when you were his age!!!

  2. Ahh! My little mini me! Lately he seems to have my sass too, I guess it's payback!
